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A lawyer is not necessarily precluded from representing multiple candidates for the same position who claim that the selection of another was tainted by unlawful discrimination, 前提是, 在协商该代理的其他严重风险后, the clients consent to any necessary limitation on the scope of the representation and the potential future need for separate representation, 澳门赌场官网将能够热情地代表每一位客户.


  • 规则1.2(代理范围)
  • 规则1.3(勤奋与热情)
  • 规则1.(利益冲突:一般规则)


有两个人来找澳门赌场官网申请, 但我没有得到, 一份工作,并且认为这个选择是基于被禁止的歧视性做法. 询问他是否可以同时代表两个原告, 澳门赌场官网说,要确立责任,他只需要证明每个原告都比被选中的人更有资格;1 他没有谈到救济的问题.



(a) A lawyer shall not represent a client with respect to a position to be taken in a matter if that position is adverse to a position taken or to be taken in the same matter by another client represented with respect to that position by the same lawyer.

(b)以下第(c)段允许的情况除外, 有下列情形之一的,澳门赌场官网不得代理委托人:

(1) a position to be taken by that client in that matter is adverse to a position taken or to be taken by another client in the same matter;



(4) the lawyer’s professional judgment on behalf of the client will be or reasonably may be adversely affected by the lawyer’s responsibility to or interests in a third party or the lawyer’s own financial, 业务, 财产, 或者个人兴趣.

规则1.7(c)允许根据规则1表示.7 (b)如果:

(1) each potentially affected client provides consent to such representation after full disclosure of the existence and nature of the possible conflict and the possible adverse 后果 of such representation; and


“充分披露”要求“向客户详细解释风险和不利因素”.” 关于詹姆斯, 452 A.2d 163, 167 (D.C. 应用程序. 1982), cert. 否认, 460 U.S. 1038 (1983). 对规则1的注释[12].7涉及同意所需的披露:

Adequate disclosure requires such disclosure of the parties and their interests in positions as to enable each potential client to make a fully informed decision as to whether to proceed with the contemplated representation. 如果澳门赌场官网对一个或另一个客户的义务 . . . 禁止向所有受影响的各方充分披露, 仅凭这一事实就排除了进行有关陈述的可能性. 充分披露还要求客户了解可能的额外费用, 带来的不便, and other disadvantages that may arise if an actual conflict of position should later arise and the lawyer be required to terminate the representation.

另外,规则1.2 (c)提供:


正如上诉法院最近解释的那样,“规则1.7(a) mandates an absolute prohibition of dual or multiple representation when the lawyer would represent clients with ‘adverse’ ‘position[s]’ in the ‘same matter.客户同意并不能解决这样的冲突.” Griva v. 戴维森, No. 92 - cv - 992 (D.C. Ct. 应用程序. 2月. 10, 1994), 122华盛顿. D.L. 代表. 441, 宠物. 盐土. 等待.

但是,规则1.7(b)概述了并非绝对禁止双重代表的另一类案件. 对规则1的注释[4].7了, 声明根据(b)段, 如果澳门赌场官网不被要求在案件的“责任阶段”为两个客户采取不利立场, 但可能在损害赔偿阶段, 澳门赌场官网可以同意在责任阶段代表双方,然后在损害赔偿阶段代表一方或另一方.3 然而, Comment [5] cautions that the ability to continue to represent either party may be limited because the lawyer learns confidences or secrets protected by 规则1.(六)未经涉及保密或者秘密的当事人同意的.

调查提出的问题与委员会在第2号意见中处理的问题类似. 131 .关于先前的纪律规则. There the Committee concluded that a firm representing a plaintiff class in a discrimination action against a federal agency could not also represent an employee-grievant at that agency in an unrelated administrative action to remove certain performance evaluations in the employee’s file, 其中一些是由一位主管准备的,他是另一个行动的班级成员. 裁定该陈述构成违反DR 5-105的冲突, 并且不能被放弃, the Committee concluded that success in representing the employee would amount to a successful attack on the supervisor/class member’s judgment, 而这样的裁决可以用来否定监管者的救济. 委员会的理由之一是“很有可能代表雇员申诉者, 该公司可能会(确实如此), should) be reluctant to do what is necessary to succeed; that is, 攻击其中一个客户的判断和行为, 未命名的类成员.” A further concern was “a very real danger that the inquiring firm may make disclosures of confidences of the employee-grievant in the course of representing the appraising official with respect to individual relief for her in the class action. . . . 尽管申诉人可以同意披露机密信息, 愤愤不平的人几乎没有动力这么做.”4

对规则1的注释[4].第7条将诉讼程序明确分为责任阶段和损害赔偿阶段,这两个阶段可能发生,也可能不发生. 虽然这种划分在过去的就业歧视案件中很常见, the recent amendments to the Civil Rights Act permitting jury trials and compensatory damages create the prospect that one side or the other may benefit from and be entitled to insist on a unified trial of all issues, 涵盖责任及救济.

询盘方没有考虑到客户的利益可能不利于救济. 例如, 被告可能会辩称, 因为只有一个空缺,原告中只有一个可以被选中, 即使存在违法行为,也只有一个原告有权获得工作或获得欠薪和损害赔偿. 分岔的有或没有分岔的, 此外, 在和解谈判的任何阶段都可能出现救济问题, e.g., 关于报酬或职位的邀请.

Lawyer could not represent both plaintiffs under circumstances where it might be in the interests of each plaintiff to show that he or she rather than the other plaintiff would have been selected. 此外, 很有可能, 当出现需要单独代表的问题时, 澳门赌场官网将获得关于受规则1保护的每个客户的信息.6. 它是 thus difficult to see how Lawyer could conclude that representation of one client would not be “likely to be adversely affected by” representation of the other, 或者澳门赌场官网代表一个客户的专业判断可能不会“受到澳门赌场官网对……的责任的不利影响” . . . 第三方。” i.e., 另一个客户. 澳门赌场官网也很有可能最终不得不在同一件事上为两个客户采取“不利立场”。e.g., 关于他们的相对资格). 这很难预料, 是否存在任何可能取消资格的条件,并已了解, 客户将提供知情同意,允许同一名澳门赌场官网代表他们的分歧, 救济方面的竞争利益. 另一种选择可能是澳门赌场官网和客户将代理的目标限制为确定责任, 规则1所允许的.2(c),但这是否经常可行是有问题的.

满足第1条规定的协商或同意的要求.2(c)或1.7(c), 澳门赌场官网必须解释客户利益可能发生冲突的各种方式, 如果他们同意不采取相互冲突的立场,他们各自的要求可能会受到阻碍, 如果其中一方或双方后来都需要聘请新的澳门赌场官网,可能会增加成本和干扰, 如果考虑或有费用,关于补偿的复杂性, 等. 此外,我们注意到 Griva,上, 上诉法院最近驳回了一个论点, 根据法律, 当发生实际冲突时,不能撤销对双重代理的同意.

它是, 当然, possible that Lawyer could represent both clients without having to take antagonistic positions: Lawyer’s evident premise of bifurcated proceedings might prove correct; the plaintiffs might agree not to attack each other in the liability phase; both plaintiffs might lose in the liability phase; if they win, 为了避免冲突,他们可能同意在有限的目标下共同代表, 或单独代表一方或双方(假设有关费用的复杂问题可以解决), 等. 因此,我们不准备说规则1.7排除该等陈述.

即使在澳门赌场官网全面披露后客户对代理表示有意义的同意, 澳门赌场官网仍然必须“遵守与此类代理有关的所有其他适用规则”. 规则1.7(c)(2). 如规则1的注释[15]所述.7,

披露和同意代理并不减少澳门赌场官网遵守其他职业行为规则的义务. 例如, 即使客户提供了知情且非强制的同意, 澳门赌场官网不能履行勤勉义务的,不得承接或者继续代理 . . . [规则1]规定.3].

规则1.第3(a)条规定:“澳门赌场官网应在法律范围内热心和勤勉地代表委托人.”5 这种热心代表的义务是不能妥协的,这是公认的, 即使得到了客户的同意. 事实上, 本委员会多次得出结论,当事一方的代理——即使得到同意——在“澳门赌场官网本人”的情况下是不适当的 . . . 结论[5]他热切地代表…的能力 . . . (按规则1的要求).3)会因“利益冲突”而妥协. 法律道德通讯. D。.C. 酒吧Op. No. 226 (1992).6 因此, 澳门赌场官网将决定是否, 客户同意的代理范围见第6条, 他对他们的义务将限制他热情而勤奋地代表他们每一个人的能力.

委员会怀疑客户是否, 如果被充分告知澳门赌场官网代理可能受到的限制, 是否同意这种共同代表. The Committee also has concerns whether properly informed clients would agree to limit the scope of the representation in such a way that Lawyer could reasonably conclude that he would be able to satisfy his duty of zealous representation. 然而, 委员会不认为应完全排除这种代表的可能性. 但cf. 规则1.7 Comment 16 (“它是 much to be preferred that a representation that is likely to lead to a conflict be avoided before the representation begins, 澳门赌场官网在考虑是否应在一开始就披露信息并征得当事人同意时,应牢记这一事实.”),因此, 澳门赌场官网可以继续了, 但只有在所有客户被充分告知可能的风险后,他们才会知情同意, 后果, 以及共同代理的费用, 包括每个客户在诉讼的后期阶段可能需要新澳门赌场官网的风险, 即使客户同意,法院也可能取消澳门赌场官网的资格,7 而且前提是他认为他可以为每个客户提供热心的代理.

我们注意到,在各种情况下都可能出现同样的问题. 虽然具体问题可能因管辖法律而异, 索赔的性质, 寻求救济, 知情同意的需要和热心代表的责任将永远存在. 是否同意共同代表将视具体情况而定.

调查没有. 93-1-2


1. 在此前提下,我们不处理澳门赌场官网是否正确的法律问题.
2. 《澳门赌场官网》的术语部分将“同意”定义为“非强制同意拟议的行动方案”, 在就有关事项与澳门赌场官网协商后,” and defines “consultation” as denoting “communication of information reasonably sufficient to permit the client to appreciate the significance of the matter in question.”
3. 评论[4]部分指出:
The absolute prohibition of paragraph (a) applies only to situations in which a lawyer would be called upon to espouse adverse positions in the same matter. 它是 for this reason that paragraph (a) refers to adversity with respect to a “position taken or to be taken” in a matter rather than adversity with respect to the matter or the entire representation. 这种做法的目的是减少在其他当事人有共同利益的陈述中的诉讼费用, 对其他问题的非不利(或偶然或可能不利)立场. If, 例如, 在案件的责任阶段,不要求澳门赌场官网在为两个客户提供点代理时采取不利立场, 进行这种有限的代表是允许的. 然后在责任阶段完成后, 及在符合本条第(c)段的规定后, 澳门赌场官网可以在案件的损害赔偿阶段代表任何一方, 即使另一个, 就损害赔偿问题由单独的澳门赌场官网代理, 可能对案件的这一阶段持不利立场.
4. 由于DR 5-105和规则1之间存在显著的语言差异,该意见并非决定性的.7. D.C. 规则4 1.7与ABA模型规则1有很大不同.7, 它本身就是对DR 5-105和5-101(关于“不当行为的表现”)的实质性修订。. 然而, 虽然修订的目的是促进更广泛的多重代表性, 这些变化主要是为了澄清, 消除歧义, 运用客观而非主观的标准, 而不必改变旧规则下案件的结果. 建议的教授规则. 行为 & D .建议的相关意见.C. 酒吧Bd. 理事会议(十一月). 19, 1986) at 66-69 (“Yellow Book”); see Griva v. 戴维森,上. 特别是规则1.7 does not expressly carry forward the requirement of DR 5-105 that it be “obvious” that the lawyer could provide “adequate representation” to both clients. 但是,规则1.第7(c)(2)条也指出,只有在澳门赌场官网“能够遵守所有其他适用规则”的情况下才允许代理.“见黄皮书,id.
5. 规则1.3个更充分的状态:
    (一)未通过法律和纪律规则允许的合理可行的手段寻求客户的合法目标, or
6. 参见D.C. 酒吧Op. No. 210(1990)(“委员会以前认识到,提供充分代表的明显能力, 根据DR 7-101[规则1的前身.(3)必须热心,是一项独立的要求,即使提供了同意也必须满足.”); D.C. 酒吧Op. No. 163 (1986) (same); D.C. 酒吧Op. No. 49(1978)(同).
7. 确保有充分的咨询和同意, 同意书宜以书面形式备存. Cf., e.g.,柯南道尔 & 布卢门撒尔, 被告视角:就业诉讼中多方当事人代理与咨询的伦理考量, 10劳动法. 19,38 -39(1994)(相同同意).
